Stories / How to Choose The Perfect Big Art Pieces for Your Living Room

How to Choose The Perfect Big Art Pieces for Your Living Room

So, you've decided it's time to add some big art pieces to your living room, huh? Well, my friend, you've come to the right place!

Big Art Pieces For Living Room 'Garden Delights' by Nicebleed for WWF  | Andy okay – Big Wall Art for Charity

'Garden Delights' by Nicebleed for WWF

In this article, we're going to delve deep into the world of large wall art and discover all the secrets that will help you make the perfect big wall decor choice for your beloved living room.

On This Topic: Make sure you check out our super popular post "A Guide to Picking the Best Bedroom Art" if you like this article!

Get ready to go big, and let's get started!

Understanding the Importance of Big Art Pieces in Your Living Room

Before we jump into the nitty-gritty of choosing big art pieces, let's take a moment to appreciate just how crucial art is in your living room. You see, art isn't just a pretty picture hanging on the wall; it's like a window to your soul. It adds personality, style, and a touch of sophistication to your living space. Plus, it gives you something to gaze at while pretending to listen to your Aunt Ethel's never-ending stories about her cats. So, let's not undermine the power of art, my friend.

Big Art Pieces For Living Room: 'Do Epic Shit' by Jonas Loose for Non-Violence-Project  | Andy okay – Big Wall Art for Charity

'Do Epic Shit' by Jonas Loose for Non-Violence-Project

The Role of Big Art in Interior Design

In the wonderful world of interior design, art plays a vital role. It helps tie all the elements of your room together, creating a harmonious space that will make your friends green with envy. You can think of it as the tasty cherry on top of an already delicious ice cream sundae. Without that cherry, you've just got a boring bowl of ice cream. But with art, you've got a delightful masterpiece that will make everyone go, "Wow, they've got great taste!"

Big Art Pieces For Living Room: 'Mother Nature' by Jose Francese for Smile of the Child | Andy okay – Big Wall Art for Charity

'Mother Nature' by Jose Francese for Smile of the Child

Imagine walking into a living room that is devoid of any art. The walls are bare, and there's a distinct lack of character. It feels cold and impersonal, like a hotel room waiting for its first guest. But now, picture a living room adorned with carefully chosen big art pieces. The walls come alive with color, texture, and meaning. Each artwork tells a story, reflecting your unique taste and interests. Suddenly, the room feels warm, inviting, and filled with personality. It becomes a space that not only showcases your style but also sparks conversations and ignites inspiration.

Big art pieces has the incredible ability to transform a room from ordinary to extraordinary. It has the power to evoke emotions, create a focal point, and set the overall mood of the space. Whether you opt for a bold and vibrant abstract painting, a serene landscape photograph, or a captivating sculpture, big art pieces has the potential to become the centerpiece of your living room, captivating the attention of all who enter.

How Big Art Pieces Reflects Your Personality

Ever wanted to showcase your unique personality in a way that impresses your guests and leaves them questioning their boring wall choices? Well, my friend, big art pieces is your secret weapon! Whether you're an eccentric art enthusiast or a fan of the more subdued and minimalist styles, choosing the right big wall decor  for your living room allows you to express yourself and give your guests a glimpse into the depths of your fabulousness.

Big Art Pieces For Living Room: 'Easy Rider' by Thomas Fotomas for Pangeaseed | Andy okay – Big Wall Art for Charity

'Easy Rider' by Thomas Fotomas for Pangeaseed

Imagine you're an adventurous soul, constantly seeking new experiences and pushing boundaries. Your living room becomes a canvas for your bold personality, adorned with vibrant and unconventional art pieces that challenge the status quo. Each artwork represents a piece of your journey, a visual diary of your explorations and passions.

On the other hand, perhaps you're someone who finds solace in simplicity and minimalism. Your living room becomes a serene sanctuary, carefully curated with understated and elegant big art pieces. Each artwork exudes a sense of calm and tranquility, reflecting your preference for clean lines and uncluttered spaces. Your guests are immediately greeted by a feeling of serenity as they step into your living room, appreciating the subtle beauty of your chosen art.

Big Art Pieces For Living Room: 'Joker' by Norris Yim for Non-Violence Project | Andy okay – Big Wall Art for Charity

'Joker' by Norris Yim for Non-Violence Project

Big art pieces also allows you to showcase your interests and hobbies. Are you a lover of nature? Consider adorning your living room walls with breathtaking landscape paintings or intricate botanical illustrations. Are you fascinated by the cosmos? Hang a mesmerizing celestial artwork that transports you to the vastness of the universe. Whatever your passions may be, art provides a platform for you to share them with the world.

So, the next time you're pondering the significance of big art in your living room, remember that it's not just about aesthetics. Art is an extension of yourself, a reflection of your personality, and a means to create a space that is uniquely yours. Embrace the power of large wall art pieces and let it breathe life into your living room, transforming it into a captivating haven that tells your story.

Assessing Your Living Room Space

Now that we've established the importance of art, it's time to assess your living room space. You don't want to end up with a giant art piece that makes your room look like a cluttered art gallery, do you? Of course not! So, let's whip out our measuring tapes and dive into the exciting world of space evaluation.

Big Art Pieces For Living Room: 'Alice in Wonderland' by Thomas Chedeville for Share The Meal | Andy okay – Big Wall Art for Charity

'Alice in Wonderland' by Thomas Chedeville for Share The Meal

Measuring Your Wall Space

First things first, grab that trusty measuring tape and get to work! Measure the wall space where you plan to hang your art piece. Remember, size matters! You want your big art piece to fit the wall like a glove, not look like a tiny speck lost in a sea of paint. So, be accurate with your measurements, my friend.

Considering Room Layout and Furniture

Now that you've got those measurements, take a good look at your room layout and furniture. You don't want your new big art piece to clash with your beloved vintage sofa or become a tripping hazard for your clumsy Uncle Fred. Take note of the overall aesthetics and ensure your art complements the existing pieces in your space. Harmony is the name of the game, my friend!

Big Art Pieces For Living Room: 'A New Home' by Nicebleed for WWF | Andy okay – Big Wall Art for Charity

'A New Home' by Nicebleed for WWF

Choosing the Right Art Size

Alright, now that we're art space evaluation experts, let's dive into the fascinating world of art size. You don't want your art to overpower your living room or, even worse, get lost in the vastness of your wall, do you? Fear not, my art aficionado, we'll guide you through this artistic maze.

Understanding Art Dimensions

Art comes in all shapes and sizes, just like those adorable puppies you see on Instagram. Before you go on an art shopping spree, make sure you understand the dimensions of the pieces you're eyeing. Is it a towering masterpiece or a petite gem? Will it fit your wall like Cinderella's glass slipper, or will it engulf your space like Godzilla in Tokyo? Know thy dimensions, my friend!

Big Art Pieces For Living Room: 'Lion Among Sheep' by Nogar007 for Non-Violence Project  | Andy okay – Big Wall Art for Charity

'Lion Among Sheep' by Nogar007 for Non-Violence Project

Balancing Art Size with Room Size

Now, let's talk about finding the perfect balance between art size and room size. If you have a spacious living room, don't be afraid to go big and bold! Let your art be the star that shines brighter than the Kardashian family. But if your living room is more on the cozy side, opt for a smaller piece that adds a touch of elegance without engulfing your precious space. Balance, my friend, balance!

Selecting the Art Style

Alright, now comes the fun part: selecting the art style that speaks to your fabulous aesthetic. Let's ditch that generic art you picked up from the local discount store, and dive into the world of true artistry!

Aligning Big Art with Your Home Decor Style

When choosing your art style, it's essential to consider your existing home decor. You don't want to end up with a kitschy neon dinosaur hanging on your wall if your style is more on the traditional side. So, take a good look at your fabulous decor choices and let them guide you towards the perfect art style. Match made in heaven, my friend!

Big Art Pieces For Living Room: 'Memento Mori' by Nicebleed for Share the Meal  | Andy okay – Big Wall Art for Charity

'Memento Mori' by Nicebleed for Share the Meal 

Exploring Different Art Genres

Now that we're in the realm of art styles, let's talk about the various genres you can explore. From abstract and cubism to contemporary and pop art, the options are as endless as an all-you-can-eat buffet (minus the endless regret). Take the time to explore different genres and find the one that makes your heart skip a beat. Your living room will thank you!

Positioning Your Big Art Piece

Alright, my friend, it's time to unleash the true art of art positioning. You could have the most magnificent big art piece in the world, but if it's not positioned correctly, it's like serving a gourmet meal on a trash can lid. Let's find the perfect spot for your chosen masterpiece!

Determining the Best Wall for Your Big Wall Art

First things first, you need to find the perfect wall to showcase your big art. It's like finding the perfect stage for a musical; it sets the scene and gives your art the spotlight it deserves. Assess your walls, consider natural light sources, and find the wall that will make your art shine brighter than a disco ball at Studio 54.

The Impact of Lighting on Art Display

Ah, lighting, the unsung hero of art display! You could have a Mona Lisa hanging on your wall, but if it's poorly lit, it'll look more like a finger painting done by your toddler niece. Get creative with your lighting choices, my friend! Add some well-placed spotlights, experiment with light fixtures, and let your big wall art bask in the glorious glow of a rockstar's dressing room.

And there you have it, my art-loving friend! You're now equipped with all the knowledge you need to choose the perfect big art pieces for your living room.

Make sure you check out all my personal best picks for Big Art Pieces For Your Living Room right here. I made a unique collection just for this article. 

So, go forth and conquer the art world, big style. And remember, in the grand scheme of life, art is like pizza—it's never a bad choice!

Until next time, go big or go home /