Stories / Art for Wishes: How Seven Incredible Artists are Helping to Make Dreams Come True

Art for Wishes: How Seven Incredible Artists are Helping to Make Dreams Come True

Have you ever thought about how art can be more than just something beautiful to look at? How it can actually change lives? That's the idea behind our newest collaboration with the amazing charity When You Wish Upon a Star. This partnership is all about using the power of art to bring hope and joy to children facing serious challenges.

We're so excited to introduce seven talented artists from all over the world who have come together for this special project. Each one of them has contributed with an incredible artwork, and the best part is, when you buy one of these artworks, a portion of the proceeds goes directly to the charity.

Every painting sold helps grant wishes for children with life-threatening illnesses, making their dreams come true in the most magical way.

The Artists Bringing Their Magic to This Collaboration

Let’s meet the incredible artists who have contributed their creative genius to this cause. From different corners of the globe, each artist brings something unique to the table, offering a diverse range of styles and visions:

  • Andhika Ramadian: Known for his stunning, almost surreal style, Andhika creates paintings that seem to glow with life. His work often feels dreamlike, which is perfect for a project focused on making dreams come true.
  • Forest Barkdoll-Weil: With an earthy, nature-inspired approach, Forest’s art connects deeply with the human spirit. His pieces invite you to slow down, reflect, and find beauty in the everyday.
  • John Beijer: John’s work is bold and full of energy. His vibrant colors and daring compositions make his art stand out and speak directly to the heart.
  • Jonas Loose: A master of blending humor with fine art, Jonas’ playful paintings are full of character and quirkiness. They remind us that even in hard times, there’s always room for a smile.
  • Michiel Folkers: Known for his pop-art, collage-style creations, Michiel brings together familiar imagery in a fresh, unexpected way. His work is often a mix of nostalgia and contemporary culture, which resonates with the dream-like quality of this collaboration.
  • Nicebleed: A duo from the Philippines, Nicebleed’s work is a fantastic mix of dark and light. Their cosmic, futuristic style adds an otherworldly feel to this collection, symbolizing the boundless nature of imagination and hope.
  • Thomas Easton: Thomas creates abstract pieces that make you think. His use of color and form speaks to the idea that not everything in life has to be clear-cut to be beautiful. Sometimes, it’s about embracing the unknown and trusting the process – much like the journey these children and their families are on.

Each of these artists has poured their heart into this project, creating artwork that isn’t just visually stunning but also deeply meaningful. These paintings are more than just pieces to hang on your wall – they’re symbols of hope, love, and the belief that wishes really do come true.


About "When You Wish Upon a Star"

When You Wish Upon a Star is an incredible charity that has been making children’s dreams come true since 1990. Their mission is simple: to grant the wishes of children with life-threatening illnesses. Whether it’s meeting a favorite celebrity, going on a dream vacation, or simply experiencing the magic of Disney, they believe that these special moments bring joy, strength, and hope to both the children and their families during the hardest times.

The work they do is nothing short of magical. Every wish granted is a moment where a child gets to escape the difficulties of illness and simply be a kid again – filled with wonder and excitement. And what’s more inspiring than that?

By purchasing one of these stunning artworks, you’re directly supporting this mission. You’re helping to create moments of joy and laughter for kids who need it most.

How Art Can Change the World

Art has always had the power to inspire change. It makes us feel, think, and see the world in new ways. But in this case, it’s doing even more. It’s helping to bring real joy into the lives of children who are facing incredibly tough challenges.

When we look at a piece of art, we don’t just see colors or shapes – we see the emotions behind them, the stories they tell, and the impact they can have on the world. And that’s exactly what this collaboration is all about. These seven artists have created works that don’t just look beautiful; they have a purpose. Each painting is a reminder that art can make a difference.

When you buy one of these pieces, you’re not just adding to your art collection. You’re becoming a part of something bigger. You’re helping to grant wishes. You’re helping children experience joy when they need it most. And you’re showing that art can truly make the world a better place.


How You Can Get Involved

We invite you to browse this exclusive collection and find a painting that speaks to you. Whether you’re drawn to the dreamlike quality of Andhika Ramadian’s work or the playful spirit of Jonas Loose, each piece in this collection has the power to brighten your space and your heart.

And remember – when you purchase one of these artworks, you’re not just buying a painting. You’re helping to bring joy and hope to children through the incredible work of When You Wish Upon a Star.

Let’s make some dreams come true – together.